Monday, November 9, 2009

Blog #1 - Here We Go

Where exactly does one begin when it comes to something like this? There are so many things to say and do, and so many things I want people to know. There really are a gazillion things people NEED to know!
Part of me wants to address and defend and dispute every single thing I know of that has been circulated about syringe exchange and injection drug use - the truths, the lies, the happenings over the last several months, and personally the things said about the volunteers involved. I want to 'go there', I want to take advantage of this open forum in that way, I want to set the record straight - but at the same time I don't want to stray away from the task at hand. It would not be an efficient use of time or attention. We've got way bigger fish to fry. Besides, if you stick around and visit us often, you will figure out who we are and what we are about and the record will set itself straight. The truth will become obvious.
Off the Streets Project is a growing group of volunteers from all walks of life who are coming together specifically to educate, advocate, and promote community health and well-being in line with harm reduction strategies appropriate for Stanislaus County. We are educators, social workers, nurses, business people, laborers, and artists. We are caregivers and parents. Neighbors, family, and friends. Simply put, we are a unique mix of people who care about our community.
This blogspot is a start. This is where things will begin to move to the next level. There promises to be a wealth of information collected here. One of our primary goals is to educate anyone and everyone who will listen. So if you wanna know, we wanna tell ya. If there is something here that you need to know more about or if you have any questions at all, please let us know. We want this space to be a valuable resource for anyone looking to learn about syringe exchange and harm reduction in Stanislaus County.
I am beginning to ramble so instead of continuing on I will end my first entry with this:
Stanislaus County is in the midst of a public health crisis, it's true. Money is sparse, resources are dwindling, and more people need more help than any other time in recent memory. It seems daunting and the issue itself can be a downer, I know. But there is hope. There are answers. There are possibilities. There are always possibilities.
That's where Off the Streets comes in.

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