If former Modesto Mayor and local businessman Carmen Sabatino is talkin' about you on the Morning Mayor Radio Show then something must really be going on. I accidentally found this online digging around late last night on the Hive (the ridiculously frustrating and far too often abusive Modesto Bee blog). It was unexpectedly entertaining to listen to Carmen and his guests talking about the situation with which we at Off the Streets are all so familiar. The original airdate of this episode was October 26, 2009 on 106.1, the day after the first Modesto Bee article. The syringe exchange case and the Modesto Bee write up are basically discussed the whole first part of the show and it is a pretty good chunk of time! I mean, I can't tell you who really listens to the show, but let me tell you what, Carmen was all over this!!
I don't know why it matters that Carmen is proud of the volunteers, but for some reason it does. An ally is an ally is an ally. Not only that, but the feedback on the show, the questions posed, and their reactions to the article were actually kinda refreshing. And Carmen gets it. He may not be the most well-versed radio host but, for the most part, he really does get it. Thanks Carmen, Mike, and Jenni. We need as many voices as possible speaking for not only the volunteers as defendants, but for authorization in Stanislaus County.
Check out the Oct. 26th show here from their archives on the Morning Mayor website. Gotta appreciate any kind of alternative media that takes interest in what we've got going on.
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